Case studies
With the help of FASE project partners we found more than 20 best practice policies or programmes (PPP) in 13 European countries.
The examples came from different branches. Most of them belong to the production sector (ship building, energy supply, building industry, chemical industry, aluminium industry and the like). From the service sector we received good practices from the wellness and health industry, an insurance company, a mail order and some consulting companies.
Furthermore, some good practice examples describe nationwide programmes or regional networks for companies which will be implemented currently.
Fifty percent are big enterprises, that means more than 501 staff members, 30 per cent are medium-sized (50 - 500 staff members).
Only five companies are situated at only one location, the others are multinationals.
To identify good practices projects (PPP) the network partners received a list of criteria and indicators for policies, programmes, guidelines and measures to reduce alcohol at the workplace:
For example a PPP can be implemented at country, regional or municipal level, but also at organisation, trade union, health insurance or Employer's Liability Insurance Association level etc. It can include a wide message or campaign by the government, by the management of a company or by a health insurance company, or other measures.
Criteria for a good/innovative project (PPP) are:
- brought in or introduced for the first time,
- changed into something new,
- altered or renewed.
- there should be a positive outcome at the end
- the well-being of the people at work.
In the different case studies you will find information about the PPP: the background, the main aims and target groups, the main prevention strategies, tools for the management, for the dissemination of the policy and for the participation of the employees, aspects for the evaluation, the main pre-conditions for success and the main results, and why each project is worth to be transferred.
Most of the cases also have an annex with information about the project or the policy (in only some cases there exist no English version).
We are aware that the results of FASE don’t mean that there aren’t any good practices in other countries, but we did not receive the necessary information.
Please have a look at the files of “Best Practices (PPP) from European countries”:
List of Case studies
Best Practices (PPP) from European countries
Austria Oberösterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse OÖGKK
Austria Company prefers anonymity - service sector
Belgium VAD - Vereniging voor Alcohol- en andere Drugproblemen
Czech Republic ECK Generating s.r.o.
Germany BAUR Versand GmbH & Co KG
Germany DAIMLER AG - Mercedes-Benz Werk Kassel
Germany Henkel KGaA
Germany AUDI AG
Germany Arbeitskreis Suchtgefahren im Betrieb Dortmund
Greece Athenian Brewery S.A.
Hungry Alcoa Köfem Ltd.
Ireland The Health and Safety Authority (HSA)
Lithuania JSC "Oil Refinery" - Orlen
Norway AVOGTILPRAT-programme tool
Portugal Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo - Viana Shipyard
Slovenia Zdravilisze Radenci d.o.o
Spain Proimges SI
Spain Algeciras City Council
Spain Inforges
Spain Porcelanosa Grupo S.A.
Spain FCC S.A. Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas
Sweden The Swedish National Institute of Public Health
Furthermore there is information about workplace background, legislation and/or alcohol policy programmes in nine European countries.
Please have a look at these files here:
European countries with further alcohol initiatives and programmes at the workplace
Finland background
France background and legislation
Hungary national workplace prevention programme
Italy workplace prevention programme
Luxembourg alcohol policy guideline
Polen background
Slovakia legislation
Slovenia legislation
United Kingdom background and legislation and policies
All BEST PRACTICES in one report you will find here “Alcohol at the workplace – Case studies good practices, programmes or projects in European countries."